Warcraft Logs Report

Provides you with an opportunity to paste a URL from Warcraft Logs, so our application is able to consume the fight data to produce an already filled note. Just paste link, press 'Process' button and wait a little. As a result you're getting a complete timeline which can further be adjusted or immediately exported as a Note string. Make sure, that you're trying to process a PUBLIC log, otherwise our resource won't be able to get the correct fight details.


Player Cards

Add Player

Click on a 'Plus' sign to start adding a new player to your raid composition. Afterwards, just follow a few simple steps according to your needs.


Enter Player's Name

Easy way to quickly change or enter a certain player's name. Changes in the input field will be reflected across the page, so you don't need to worry about changing it anywhere else.


Drag Player's Abilities

Grab a player's ability and simply drag it into the Timeline field. You don't have to be all that precise in terms of vertical positioning, resource is smart enough to detect, which player's ability you're currently dragging.


Delete Player

Not much to explain, click on a 'Cross' icon on a player's card to remove him from a current note.



Toggle Boss Abilities

You can turn on and off the visibility of a specific boss ability by clicking on it's corresponding icon. In advance, if you're not sure about certain ability, you can hover over it's icon and the tooltip will appear to help you out.


Drag Raid Utility

Same thing as with player's abilities — just drag one of them to the 'Everyone' section of the timeline.


Timeline Controls

Save Note

ONLY AVAILABLE FOR SIGNED IN USERS. Click the button and give your note a desired name. Saved notes are able to be loaded directly from your profile.


Import Note

Clicking this button will call a modal, where you can paste Note text from your in-game addon Method Raid Tools.


Export Note

Clicking this button will call a modal, where the information from your timeline is transformed into a text, which can be then copied and pasted into your in-game addon Method Raid Tools.


Reset Note

Clicking this button will clear current timeline after double-checking, that you're sure.


Change Scale

Clicking this button will change the scale of the timeline via increasing or decreasing the interval between markers. Currently we support two states, which are 1 second or 5 seconds between markers.



Move Ability

You can grab certain ability from the timeline and change it's timer via dragging to another place.


Delete Ability

You can delete ability from the timeline via grabbing and dragging it away from the timeline block.


Toggle Ability Cooldown

You can click on a certain ability on the timeline to show or hide it's cooldown line.


Stacked Abilities

If you have a scenario, where there're several abilities from a single player on one timer, they will be shown as a stack. If you hover over this stack, it will show you all the abilities on that specific timer in the popover.



We're using the baseline abilities' duration and cooldown, because talent build and class passives could always be changed. If you're dragging the ability before it's baseline cooldown is over, warning icon and border will appear. If you're experienced enough and sure, that ability's cooldown is over, you can easily disable all the warnings via clicking a button.


Import details


Your note should specify a timer in the format:— {time:1:35} for absolute timers— {time:00:35,SCC:404404:1} for relative timersRelative timers allow you to set a timer after certain events are triggered, e.g. 'timer '35s after the boss used the skill with ID 404404 for the first time' will look like {time:00:35,SCC:404404:1}'We support only four events for import or export:SCC — SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS SCS — SPELL_CAST_START SAA — SPELL_AURA_APPLIED SAR — SPELL_AURA_REMOVEDYou should understand that we do not have all the boss abilities in database (because there are a lot of them and most of them are not used by players), therefore, it is possible that your note may have IDs that we do not have, which means we will not be able to import your note with the correct timers. If this happens, when importing, you will see a notification that we failed to restore some timers from your note. We will try to add the maximum number of events to the database to reduce the number of such incidents , but we will not be able to completely exclude this.We support an optional absolute timer format. If the timer is specified in the format '{timer:0:35,SCC:404404:1} 2:35' - if there is no 404404 skill in our database, then we will position the timer exactly at 2:35, and when exporting, we will indicate a new relative value to it, based on the skills from our databasesWe do not support a format with multiple timers on one line.

Player names

To import the note correctly, each player must be wrapped in a tag corresponding to its color, for example, if there is a priest in your note, then his nickname should look like this |cfffefefeGreatestgamer|r


Your note should specify a timer in the format {spell:404404} with only one or zero space character between player nickname and ability tag.

Several players

We support both popular note formats:One timer - one player: {time:00:16} 00:16 - |cfffefefeGreatestgamer|r {spell:77764}One timer - several players: {time:00:16} 00:16 - |cfffefefeGreatestgamer|r {spell:323764} |cfffefefeGamer|r {spell:197721}